Medicare Drug Prescription Scam in Northern NJ?
Category: Elder Law
This disturbing story was sent to me through my membership in the Essex County Coalition for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults:
"Hi Louise,
I just had an unfortunate event that I would like to share with you, and perhaps you could alert the Coalition members.
My grandparents are lifelong residents of Essex County, and I recently enrolled them in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan at the website. A week later, an agent who works for Diversified Senior Financial Solutions in Bloomfield showed up on their doorstep in their early evening. They, of course, cannot hear well; were confused and did not expect an evening visitor. They asked the agent if I sent him and he said yes. So they let him in, trusting that I arranged this. He misled them; took their Medicare #Âs; had them sign documents; and left. Ultimately, he enrolled them in a Medicare Advantage Plan that includes health coverage, dental, hearing and supplemental Rx as well. All to be deducted from their monthly social security which is not enough to live on as it is. Luckily, I was able to rectify the situation after threatening to call the police and Better Business Bureau, but I am fearful for other unsuspecting elderly residents of Essex County.
I have reported them to Medicare Rx fraud line 877-772-3379. Their website states that there is a scam in New Jersey.
I do have more detailed information if you should need it. Have a lovely holiday and I will see you at the next meeting.
Thank you,

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